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Current Vacancies

(1) Non-teaching Vacancies

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The School of Continuing and Professional Studies of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUSCS) currently appoints around 200 full-time/part-time non-teaching staff to serve in various sections/teams. These sections/teams include Administration Division, Communication and Public Relations Unit, and various programme divisions situated in five different offices at Railway Plaza in T.S.T., Oriental Centre in T.S.T., East Ocean Centre in T.S.T., Tsui Lam Estate in Tseung Kwan O and Bank of America Tower in Central.


Openings for the following non-teaching positions are currently available:

Reference Number Closing Date Title of Appointment
2500008A 18/2/2025 General Clerk II (Tseung Kwan O Learning Centre)



Application Form & Procedures

The University only accepts and considers applications submitted online via Human Resources Office at (except applications for 'Workman II' post).


Applicants for 'Workman II' shall complete the application form [PO5(7/18)] obtainable (a) at, or (b) in person/by mail with a stamped, self-addressed envelope from the Human Resources Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong. Completed forms, together with copies of qualification documents, should be forwarded to the Human Resources Office before the respective closing dates. Please quote the reference number and mark 'Application - Confidential' on the cover. The Personal Information Collection Statement will be provided upon request.



(2) Teaching Vacancies

The School of Continuing and Professional Studies of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUSCS) currently appoints over 500 part-time instructors to deliver a broad range of programmes. Through a stringent process of selection and evaluation, the most suitably qualified and experienced people from academia and the commercial environment are recruited. Openings for the following positions are available from time to time:

Part-time Instructor (Distance Learning)

Part-time Instructor (Various areas)

Part-time Instructor (General Short Courses)

Part-time Instructor (Award Bearing Programmes)



Openings for the following teaching positions are currently available:

Reference Number Closing Date Title of Appointment

    No vacancy




Application Form & Procedures 

The University only accepts and considers applications submitted online via Human Resources Office at (except applications for part-time teaching posts).


Applicants for part-time teaching posts can download the application form for a teaching vacancy in PDF formatPDF format.


Application forms are also obtainable in person/by mail with a stamped, self-addressed envelope from the School at 6/F, Railway Plaza, 39 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon; or by fax polling at (852) 2603 6565.


Completed forms, together with copies of qualification documents, should be forwarded to the School before the respective closing dates. Alternatively, applicants may fax to (852) 2603 6565 their full resume, with names, addresses and fax numbers/e-mail. Please quote the reference number, if any, and mark 'Application - Confidential' on the cover. The Personal Information Collection Statement will be provided upon request.


(3) Invitation of Proposals on General Courses

To provide a wide variety of short courses, CUSCS is soliciting proposal for short courses. Completed Proposal form for General Short Courses together with an Application Form for Part-time Instructor should be sent to School of Continuing & Professional Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. (Attn.: Administration Division) or email to

Please mark "Proposed Form for General Short Courses" on the envelope.




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