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Certificate Programme in Intermediate Spanish

Course No. : 251-340460-01|Start Date : 29/04/2025

Admission Requirements

Applicants shall have:

1. completed the Certificate Programme in Basic Spanish at CUSCS, or equivalent


2. completed secondary education, or equivalent

Applicants may be required to sit for a placement test to assess their Spanish level on a case-by-case basis.


CUSCS Instructor

Language Used

Spanish and English

Total Hours

Intermediate Spanish 1: 65 hours
Intermediate Spanish 2: 65 hours




Central Learning Centre

Start Date



Intermediate Spanish 1: 29 April 2025


Intermediate Spanish 1 : 7pm-10pm

Application Fee


Tuition Fee

Intermediate Spanish 1 : HK$5,600 (Course Code: 251-340461-01)


Certificate programmes

QF Level


QR Registration No.


QR Registration Validity Period

14/06/2023 - Ongoing

Course Enquiries

3111725331100611[JavaScript encoded]

Enrolment Enquiries

2209 0290

Closing Date for Application



This Programme is designed for those Spanish learners who have completed the Certificate Programme in Basic Spanish or studied the Spanish language for about 100 hours. This programme aims to further enhance participants’ communication skills in the four areas: speaking, listening, reading and writing. Participants will learn intermediate Spanish language skills at a level equivalent to A2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). It builds on the knowledge acquired in the "Certificate Programme in Basic Spanish", participants can further develop their communication skills in Spanish. It provides advanced Spanish language skills from exchanging personal information and participating in transactional dialogues, justifying preferences and sharing past experiences. Participants will be able to consolidate basic grammar and knowledge that they have already learned, build the confidence to deal with everyday spoken situations and improve their listening skills. They will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the main points in short messages and everyday conversation, communicate in a language minimally complex with native speakers, and interact in a range of real-life settings.


There are 2 modules in the programme:
Code Title Hour Session
340461 Intermediate Spanish 1 65 hours 22 sessions
340462 Intermediate Spanish 2 65 hours 22 sessions


There are 2 modules in the programme:

Intermediate Spanish 1 (65 hours)
This course helps participants acquire an intermediate command of spoken and written Spanish. It targets participants who have studied A1 level of Spanish language knowledge and would like to further improve their proficiency in the language. This course aims to consolidate and expand the understanding of how grammatical structures work in Spanish, building participants’ confidence to deal with everyday spoken situations, new vocabulary and the ability to express personal feelings and opinions. Some interesting topics of Spanish culture will be introduced to participants, such as festivals, traditions, and living.

The following content will be covered:
- Expressing physical feelings and emotions
- Talking about health and remedies
- Expressions to use when buying clothes and accessories
- Purchasing food in a store and ordering food in a restaurant
- Narrating the activities and recent events
- Sharing personal life experiences
- Behaving and interacting at parties and other social gatherings
- Narrating travelling experiences
- Expressing desire and obligation

Intermediate Spanish 2 (65 hours)
This course builds on the knowledge acquired in the course “Intermediate Spanish 1”. This course will further elaborate on the main elements of the four skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking skills in Spanish. The course will enable participants to deepen their understanding of various aspects of communication skills and put an emphasis on progressive development in real-life situations. Participants are expected to follow the most important information from an everyday conversation in a familiar cultural context and describe experiences, plans and various situations when travelling.

The following content will be covered:
- Asking for permission and favours, and reacting to such situations
- Making phone conversations
- Making social appointments and meetings
- Asking for and giving information about transport, touristic places and more
- Talking about free time, activities and events in the past
- Preparing for the DELE (A2) examination


Each module lasts for 9 months. Normally students will complete Intermediate Spanish 1 to 2 in 18 months.

On the other hand, you may also continue with the next module in a later term as long as you can complete the entire programme within 3 years (starting from the commencement date of Intermediate Spanish 1).


The instructor will provide the name of the textbook in the first class and students are required to purchase the textbook for the course. It is not included in the course fee.


All applications will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis; no transfer to a different class will be approved.

For new applicants, please fill out the application form and send to us together with
- application fee $150 (non-refundable); and
- tuition fee of Intermediate Spanish 1
and send your application to Language Programme Team, 1/F, Bank of America Tower, 12 Harcourt Road, Central, Hong Kong.

The processing time of an application is about 14 working days. The school will notify the applicants of the results by email.


To qualify for the award of Certificate in Basic Spanish, students are required to:
1. have an attendance rate of 70% or above in each module; and
2. have passed the assessments of each module.

CEF Information

1. CEF Reimbursable Course Information
This course has been included in the list of reimbursable courses under the Continuing Education Fund. This course is recognised under the Qualifications Framework (QF Level 2).

CEF Reimbursable Course Title: Certificate in Intermediate Spanish
CEF Reimbursable Course Code: 38C156249

Note: only eligible applicant who has successful completed the entire programme can apply for reimbursement of course fees. Students who have completed only one of the two modules (e.g. have completed Intermediate Spanish 1 only) is NOT eligible for the application for reimbursement.

2. Benchmark Test Requirements:

Diplomas de Español como Lengua Extranjera (DELE): A2
Applicant should submit the claim for reimbursement of the benchmark test fee with the claim for the tuition fee of the Certificate in Intermediate Spanish.

For other details about benchmark tests, please refer to CEF website

3. Application and Reimbursement Procedures

Please refer to Information on Continuing Education Fund (CEF)