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職涯發展規劃專業證書課程 (PCCDF)

Professional Certificate Programme in Career Development Facilitation

Course No. : 251-CDF100-23|Start Date : 22/03/2025

Admission Requirements

i. Holder of an Associate Degree or equivalent with at least 8 years of working experience; OR
ii. Holder of a Bachelor Degree or equivalent with at least 2 years of working experience; OR
iii. Holder of a Master Degree or equivalent with at least 1 year of working experience; OR
iv. Holder of a Doctorate Degree or equivalent.

Click here to get a full picture of Career Development Education at CUSCS

Language Used

Cantonese (supplemented with English)

Total Hours

88 hours (Face-to-Face Sessions)




Tsim Sha Tsui East Ocean Centre

Start Date

22 March 2025 (Sat)




9:00am - 6:00pm

Application Fee


Tuition Fee

(There is an additional cost of US$250 for the Student Manual (e-version) to be ordered online on the NCDA website.)


Professional Certificate programmes

QF Level


QR Registration No.


QR Registration Validity Period

04/12/2019 - Ongoing

Course Enquiries

2209 0465 / 2209 0269[JavaScript encoded]

Enrolment Enquiries

2209 0290

Closing Date for Application

15 March 2025

Programme Background and Objectives

The programme aims to:
i. promote awareness and knowledge of the essence and importance of a proper approach and process in providing assistance in one’s career development or planning;
ii. equip participants with the key repertoire of theories, skills, and practices for providing facilitation and career plan services to clients with different needs in career development with due awareness of ethical codes and standards;
iii. enable participants to yield insights into how career development relates and contributes to personal understanding and growth via reflection on personal values, traits, interests, abilities, goals, and lifestyles.

Expected Programme Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the programme, participants will have acquired the ability to:
i. articulate a clear understanding of a proper approach and process for conducting facilitation in handling career-related issues;
ii. process, synthesize, and apply knowledge about major theories, skills, tools, and practices in facilitating career development in compliance with ethical standards;
iii. utilize a range of resources and strategies to assist clients in enhancing employability and design appropriate career development programmes;
iv. identify contexts or areas in need of further training or supervision for continuing development as a facilitator for career development or services.

Module 1: Facilitating Career Development: The Exploring Phase

This course covers key areas and skills for exploration at the beginning phase of career development facilitation with clients. It includes major theories and skills, stages of the facilitation process, and characteristics of diverse client populations.

1. What is facilitation and career services
2. Different concepts and theories in career development
3. What constitutes the facilitation process
4. Communication skills required for effective facilitation
5. Career needs of multicultural populations

Module 2: Facilitating Career Development: The Understanding Phase

This course covers key areas, practices, and tools for understanding client needs, characteristics, and issues; as well as resources, technological or otherwise, for understanding the labour market, related trends and strategies for job search.

1. What is assessment in career services
2. Tools for assessing client interests, values, styles, and/or abilities
3. Experiential engagement activities or practices to facilitate client’s self-understanding
4. Latest trends of labour market
5. Role of career information and technological resources in career planning
6. Overview of employability skills and ways to enhance them for job search

Module 3: Facilitating Career Development: The Action Phase

This course covers key areas and practices for preparing clients for action through effective decision-making, goal-setting, as well as action-planning or programme design in the provision of career services.

1. Preparing clients for action: empowerment
2. Mechanics of decision-making; useful tools and possible biases
3. Principles of goal-setting and use of an individual development plan or career development programme
4. Ethics in the provision of career services

Module 4: Group Facilitation for Career Development

This course is designed to provide participants with first-hand experience in conducting career development facilitation in a small-group setting. They will learn how to function as a facilitator in a group, and build on skills they have already acquired to develop new ones more suited for group interactions and dynamics.

1. Group formation and rules
2. Characteristics and roles of a group
3. Working stage of a group
4. Key skills in group facilitation

Module 5: Advanced Facilitation Skills

This course is designed to examine the workings of different micro-skills through highlights of four successive video-recorded facilitation sessions with a client from relationship-building to termination. It adopts a process approach in showing how certain advanced skills could become effective interventions at different points or stages of the facilitation process.

1. Key tasks in different stages of the facilitation process
2. Analyses of verbal and non-verbal responses
3. More advanced facilitation skills (e.g. interpreting, reframing, confronting, etc.)

Module 6: Assessment Tools and Practices

Subsequent to Course 2, this course introduces additional assessment tools and practices that address specific needs in career development. Participants will get first-hand experience in using these formal and informal tools, and discuss and evaluate their utility and value for various types of client cases.

1. Consolidation of basic principles and types of assessment, and their potential misuse
2. Overview of dimensions of assessment in career development
3. Use of a select range of formal and informal assessment tools / practices

Module 7: Career Development Theories and Practice

This course examines a wider range of career development theories, how they may apply to culturally diverse populations, and issues that facilitators may face in the helping process. It aims to expand the theoretical base of facilitators so that they could help clients with a broader conceptual framework and repertoire of strategies.

1. Consolidation of a grounded understanding of major types of theories
2. Study of a select range of theories, with implications for use on culturally diverse populations
3. Analysis of possible issues in application of theoretical frameworks in facilitation through case examples

Module 8: Facilitating Career Development for Specific Targets

This course studies the career needs, concerns, or issues of specific target groups which may often be overlooked in society. Through readings of relevant research and focused class discussions of real-life case examples, participants will gain deeper understanding and insights into how facilitators could offer effective assistance in the career development of these populations.

1. Overview of career needs, concerns, or issues of specific groups
2. Study of a select range of case examples, with implications for effective practice in actual facilitation
3. Application of concepts and strategies from theoretical frameworks in career development


An attendance rate of 70% or above in each course is required.

Award of Certificate

Participants will be awarded the "Professional Certificate in Career Development Facilitation" upon fulfilling the following requirements:
(a) An attendance rate of 70% or above in each course is required; and
(b) Completion of all the EIGHT courses. Participants must obtain an overall pass in each course.

Professional Affiliation Prospect

Graduates are eligible to apply for two globally recognised credentials: Certified Career Services Provider (CCSP), and Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF).


Subject to the decision of a selection committee, the School reserves the right to make alterations regarding the instructor, time, place and content of courses offered when necessary.


The School reserves the right to make alterations regarding the instructor, time, place and content of courses offered when necessary.

Continuing Education Fund

This course has been included in the list of reimbursable courses under the Continuing Education Fund. This course is recognised under the Qualifications Framework (QF Level 5).
CEF Course Code: 44K127745
CEF Course Name: Professional Certificate in Career Development Facilitation

Free Preparatory Workshops

Free Preparatory Workshops are available for those who are interested in learning more about the Programme. Please refer to for the schedule.